Best Needlepoint Stitches for Owls' Eyes

owls posted by Stitch by Stitch, Larchmont
You’ve just gotten a new canvas that features an owl(s). As you think about stitching it (what threads should you use, what stitches), you focus on the eyes. Can’t really help it, can we. They are THE FOCUS, depending on how whimsical the art. But, how do you make them stand out? Here are some suggestions (and images we pulled from Pinterest*) of different ways to stitch the owls eyes. (The image above was posted by Stitch by Stitch, Larchmont.)

Owl with ear muffs by Kamala from JulieMar & Friends Family Owlbum from Charley Harper, posted by J Perry wildlife ornament - owlet by Kamala from JulieMar & Friends

First, you don’t have to go crazy. You can simply choose a glittery thread. Stitch the eyes with Glisten or Kreinik braid. When you stitch the rest of the canvas in cotton floss, wool or silk and they’ll automatically stand out. (The photos above are left to right: Owl with earmuffs by Kamala, offered by JulieMar & Friends; Family Owlbum by Charley Harper, stitches by Carolyn Baird, stitched by a student in her class; Wildlife owlet by Kamala, offered by JulieMar & Friends.)

Owl posted by J Perry stitched at Chaparral NP, HoustonOr do something simple – go get a couple buttons (measure the area of the eyes before shopping) and use them for the eyes.  (Image posted by J Perry, stitched at Chaparral NP, Houston.)

owl by aida hayden owl by r crawford

If you like beads, here are a couple options. (Left owl by Aida Hyden; Right owl by R Crawford, stitched by J Hatch.)

r schmuff
Use some silk ribbons (stitched by Ruth Schmuff):

charley harper from suckylady studio
Some fancy stitches (Charley Harper - Barred owl posted by Suckylady studio):

c harper owl by wendy turnbull
Or a combination of stitches, beads and buttons (Charley Harper - Howlloween, stitched by W Turnbull.)

And don't forget, other needlepoint designs have EYES too!  (M Shirley, stitched by P Herbert.)
*We have made an attempt to give credit to the artist, needlepointer and shop where possible. 

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