How To Make A Spider Web Needlepoint Stitch
The spider web needlepoint stitch is a great way to fill in a round object. It can be used for flowers, tire wheels, the sun or moon––anything that is circular!
The stitch is primarily done on top of the canvas. You can make the spokes visible or hidden. In the image, below, the spider web needlepoint stitch is used to create these beautiful ribbon flowers, and the spokes are hidden beneath the ribbon.
You can use any type of thread: cotton, wool, silk, a blended thread, even silk ribbon.
How To Make A Spider Web Needlepoint Stitch
1. Create a stitch with hidden spokes.
Hidden spokes allow you to have a more rounded shape to your stitch.
They resemble the spokes of a wheel and are placed in a circle over the area you want to cover. Stitch an odd number of spokes. Five or seven is best, depending on the size of the area to be covered. Place them equidistant apart.
Once the spokes are done, you will begin to weave your thread over and under each spoke, completely on top of the canvas.
This video from Needlepoint Now is a wonderful demonstration of how to do the spider web stitch. Click the link to see the demo.
When you've covered the spokes, secure the thread behind the canvas and you're done!
2. Create a stitch with visible spokes.
If you want your spokes visible, you’ll have to stitch your Spider web a bit differently.
Start with the spokes in a circle, equidistant apart. This time you can create an even or an odd number of spokes.
This time you wrap each spoke in turn. Bring the needle up near the center of the circle and slide it under the nearest spoke from right to left. Wrap the spoke with the thread once. Slide the needle under the same spoke as well as the next spoke to the left. This will create a wrap on the first spoke and have the needle in place as you repeat this process.
Continue wrapping each spoke, working around the web and filling it in.
When you reach the edge, bring the needle back down through the fabric and secure the thread under one of the spokes.
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